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Let’s mine oil in Fuel Mining

Let’s mine oil in Fuel Mining and get the FUEL token. The essence of the game is to extract oil. Oil production occurs by simply clicking on the “Send oil to warehouse” button. You can do this within 12 hours, but not earlier than 2 hours from the start of mining.
Then, in the “Refining” section, you process the extracted oil into fuel cans. And you can use these fuel cans to improve an oil rig or, subsequently, exchange them for a FUEL token. After listing, the token can be withdrawn and sold. Let’s mine oil in Fuel Mining
In the Fuel Mining game, in addition to the main screen where oil production is displayed, there are three sections.

Friends — your referrals are displayed here. Each referral you invite will bring you 100 cans of fuel. You will also receive 10% of their oil production.

Refining — in this section you can process oil into fuel cans (will be available from June 15).

Improvement — in this section you can improve the level of your oil rig, thereby increasing the amount of oil produced per hour. You can also complete simple tasks and receive fuel cans and increased your oil production.

Important. If you log into the miner every day, your oil production will increase every day by a certain percentage. This is possible within 100 days with an increase in production by 300%.

By clicking on the gear in the upper right corner, you can link your crypto wallet, to which the FUEL token will subsequently be transferred.


Let’s talk about the future in the Fuel Mining project Let’s mine oil in Fuel Mining

Airdrops from Fuel Mining and partners are expected in April-June. The first NFT collection will be launched. There is an opportunity for partner companies to hold sweepstakes.

There will be more airdrops in July-September. The listing of the $FUEL token is expected around the same time. Conversion of fuel into $FUEL tokens will be available (free of charge). There will also be an airdrop for NFT owners. Airdrop for early adopters. Airdrop for all users. Launch of the second NFT collection. Possibility of staking NFTs with income in $FUEL tokens.

In October-December, a new project will be launched using the $FUEL token as the main currency and bonuses from NFTs.

Bottom line.
The game is long-term, with prospects and opportunities to earn money. The game developer comes across as a responsible and creative person. I’m in!

Join, link to bot in telegram: t.me/fueljetton_bot

Discuss the game Fuel Mining on our forum: cryptoalabai.pro/forum


Attention! This article is for informational purposes only and does not contain investment recommendations or trading advice.


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